McKinsey Next Generation Women Leader
I am very honored and humbled to be one of the McKinsey’s Next Generation Women Leaders from a pool of c. 6,000 global applicants,
to attend McKinsey’s flagship three-day leadership training event for outstanding female leaders!
This NGWL event is an exclusive workshop in which other women leaders and I explore the importance of women in leadership and refine our own leadership skills.
I will be given the opportunity to…
- work with facilitators to further shape my leadership style, helping me become a trailblazer in my personal and professional live
- walk away with an understanding of the McKinsey problem solving approach, which I can use in work and life
McKinsey #McKinsey #NGWL2020 #NGWLEvent #nextgenerationwomenleaders #MckCareers #MckWomen @Hanna Janonis-Kubicka Marie Padberg @lareina yee Julia Sperling Paula Ramos @Eleonora Bacso #femaleleaders #womeninstem #womeninfintech #womenwhocode #womenleaders #womenleadership #womenspeakers #womeninbusiness #womenonboards