Project 2: How to deploy a high-availability web app using CloudFormation
AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree program
With the advent of cloud computing, along came several tools that enabled us to deploy the underlying infrastructure components that provide security and services to our servers by writing scripts. In this second project of the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree program, I will show you how to deploy this infrastructure using CloudFormation, AWS’ tool for Infrastructure as Code.
By the end of this project, you will have deployed web servers for a highly available web app using CloudFormation:
- Write the code that creates and deploys the infrastructure and application for Instagram-like app from the ground up
2. Begin with deploying the networking components followed by servers, security roles and software
3. The procedure you follow here becomes part of your portfolio of cloud projects. Do it exactly as it’s done on the job: follow best practices and script as much as possible
You have learned to:
- Use CloudFormation to deploy Infrastructure patterns that are used in the industry broadly and can be readily used to deploy any cloud application
- Begin with initial business requirements that you turned into Cloud Architecture Diagrams — like in the real world
- Deploy this architecture using CloudFormation
You are prepared to continue your learning journey with me in the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program.
Happy coding!
@ClaytonWert Palak Sadani @GabrielDalporto #30DaysofUdacity Udacity @nanodegree #nanodegree #UdacityTechScholars @ThomasRabe #Bertelsmann #50000chances #PoweredByBertelsmann @Bertelsmann_DE #femaleleaders #tech #fintech #womeninstem #womeninfintech #womenwhocode #womenleaders #womenleadership #womenspeakers #womeninbusiness #hacking #coding #cloud #staticwebsite #InfrastructureasCode #webapp #CloudFormation #CICD #monitoring #logging #bluedeployment #greendeployment #microservices #Kubernetes #machinelearning #API #Python #Bash #Git #Github #YAML #JSON