Top 5 Finalist German Diversity Award 2022
I am very honored and humbled to be shortlisted as Top 5 finalist in the category Audience Award for the German Diversity Award! 🏆🏅🎉
The German Diversity Award 2022 powered by Beyond Gender Agenda is to celebrate and award my achievements in inspiring the community in my company and the public with my commitment in promoting diversity, equal opportunity and inclusion.
Which meaning has diversity for the person?
„Victoria regards mentoring, coaching and sponsoring female team members at Riess Consulting, Cambridge University, Mastercard and Deutsche Bahn as a critical part of her success. She is focused on three dimensions hiring, developing, and retaining women at all stages of their careers, as Founder of Riess Consulting and in the technology industry.“
In what way is the person committed to DE&I?
„From a hiring perspective, she is committed to building connections with women in tech from their time in school through their professional careers. To develop women, she launched new initiatives in her organisations. To retain these women, she built the Women@Employee Group.“
I am grateful to be nominated alongside big (female) thinkers like @Pinar Atalay @Oliver Bäte @Deutsche Bahn @Julia Freudenberg @Tessa Ganserer @Anne Gersdorff 💪👏
My special thanks go to the judges @Frauke Bank @Laura Gersch @Philip Heßen Raul Krauthausen Alexander Maxelon @Natalya Nepomnyashcha @Claudia Oeking @Belgin Rudack @Wigan Salazar Caroline Schmitt @Martin Seiler @Tuğba Tekkal @Mirijam Trunk @Hannah Zühlke who stand for lived diversity and inclusion in the German industry! 🙏👏
👉Your vote is needed, come and vote now for me for the German Diversity Award from 29 August to 06 September, 2022 (👇link below)🙏🏆
#GermanDiversityAward #BeyondGenderAgenda Victoria Wagner @Shana Kijas @Antonia Ackermann @Natalie Antoni @Julian Kuchta @Insa Menzel Nadine Schulz @Mattin Ott #GermanDiversityAward #GDA22 #DiversityDrivesEconomy #EqualChances #TimeForChange #womenintech #femaleleaders #womeninstem #womenwhocode #womenleaders #womenleadership #womenspeakers #womeninbusiness #womenonboards